AIDS stands for Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms and infections or so-called
syndrome is caused by damage to the human immune system because of HIV, while
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that can weaken the
immune system in humans. If such a person is exposed to the virus will be
susceptible to susceptible to opportunistic infections or tumors. To arrive at
this time, the disease can not be cured of HIV AIDS and found a cure, even if
there was only halt or slow the progression of the virus alone.
virus and similar viruses such as SIV, FIV and others usually contracted
through direct contact between the bloodstream with a bodily fluid contained
therein HIV, ie, blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast
milk. Transmission of this virus often occurs when a person's sex, contaminated
needles, blood transfusion, nursing mothers, and various other forms of contact
with the body fluids.
AIDS is the most severe form of the consequences of HIV
infection. HIV is a retrovirus that usually attacks the vital organs of the
human immune system, such as CD4 + T cells (a type of T cells), macrophages,
and dendritic cells. HIV destroys CD4 + T cells directly and indirectly,
whereas CD4 + T cells needed for the immune system to function properly. When
HIV has killed CD4 + T cells until the number shrank to less than 200 per
microliter of blood, the immunity at the cellular level will be lost, and the
result is a condition called AIDS. Acute HIV infection will progress to
clinically latent infection, and symptoms of early HIV infection and ultimately
AIDS; identified by examining the number of CD4 + T cells in the blood and the
presence of certain infections.
Without antiretroviral therapy, median duration of
progression of HIV infection to AIDS is nine to ten years, and the average
survival time after experiencing AIDS is only 9.2 months. However, the rate of
progression of the disease in every person varies widely, from two weeks to 20
years. Many factors influence it, such is the power of the body to defend
against HIV (such as immune function) of the person who terinfeksi.Orang
parents generally have weaker immune systems than younger people, so more at
risk of rapid disease progression. Less access to health care and the presence
of other infections such as tuberculosis, can also accelerate the development
of this disease. Genetic inheritance infected person also plays an important
role. A number of people are naturally immune to multiple HIV variants. HIV has
several genetic variation and a number of different forms, which would cause
clinical disease progression is different also. Highly active antiretroviral
therapy will be able to extend the average time berkembangannya AIDS, as well
as the average time patients survive capabilities.
The main sign of HIV / AIDS on children
1. Weight loss, or slow growth.
2. severe diarrhea for 14 days or
3. fever for more than a month.
3. 5
minor signs of HIV / AIDS on children
1. Skin itching all over the
2. Swelling of the glands (in the
neck, armpit, or groin).
3. Candidiasis (white spots) in
the mouth, tongue, or throat.
4. Infections of the ear, throat,
and other infections
HIV is transmitted through:
1. Intercourse who let blood, semen,
or vaginal secretions of HIV-positive people get into the bloodstream of people
who have not been infected (ie unprotected intercourse is done through the
vagina or rectum; also through the mouth, even with a small probability).
Using a syringe used other
people, and containing HIV-infected blood.
Receiving a blood transfusion infected
with HIV.
Of the HIV-positive mother to baby in
the womb, during childbirth, and if breastfeeding sendiri.Biasakan have a
toothbrush and razor itself, because in addition to personal hygiene, if
there is blood there would be a risk of transmission to other viruses that
transported the bloodstream (such as hepatitis), not just HIV. If necessary,
use a toothbrush and a new razor if it looks faded or less clean.
and is not
transmitted through:
1. Shaking hands, hugging
2. Kissing
3. Coughing, sneezing
4. Wearing housewares such as
cutlery, telephone, bathroom, toilet, bedroom, etc.
5. Mosquito bites
6. Work, school, driving along
7. Using common facilities eg swimming
pools, public toilets, sauna, etc.
HIV can not be transmitted
through the air. This virus also die quickly if it is outside the body. The
virus can be killed if a bodily fluid containing it is cleaned with bleach
(bleach) as Bayclinatau Chlorox, or with soap and water. HIV can not be
absorbed by the skin wound. Maintain healthy skin properly is one of the
appropriate measures to reduce the risk of contracting this virus through the
How To Prevent HIV
HIV AIDS is a disease of the most
dangerous because until now there is no cure HIV AIDS. The cause of this
disease is an infection of the HIV virus that attacks the human immune system.
Here's how to prevent HIV-AIDS
Avoiding blood contact with HIV.
The use of syringes can be a source of
HIV infection. Clean and wash surgical equipment prior to use equipment such as
razors, tattoo needles etc.
Avoid drugs of illicit drugs such as
Use a condom when having sexual
intercourse. It is a viral infection prevention in our body. Do not use
the used condom and make sure that nothing is damaged in barriers when using
Avoid Free Sex. Floater may allow your
spouse infected with HIV.
Circumcision can minimize the spread of
the HIV virus in the body.
Patients with HIV have a very heavy moral burden. For that
we should react wisely. Better to prevent than cure. Such a review of how to
prevent HIV-AIDS. Hopefully this article useful to you .
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